appear so sudden out of nowhere
and when i try to look closely
you're gone...
leaving a lot of questions
whose answers are nowhere to be found
so who are you?
what are you?
Translating Padi - Rapuh
5 years ago
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
- They will always smell good even if it's just shampoo
- The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
- How cute they look when they sleep
- The ease in which they fit into our arms
- The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
- How cute they are when they eat
- The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
- Because they are always warm even when it's minus 30 outside
- The way they look good no matter what they wear
- The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
- How cute they are when they argue
- The way her hand always finds yours
- The way they smile
- The way you feel when you see their name on the caller ID after you just had a big fight
- The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later....
- The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
- The way they kiss you when you say "I love you"
- Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
- The way they fall into your arms when they cry
- Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
- The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
- Then the way they apologize when it does hurt (even though we don't admit it)!
- The way they say "I miss you"
- The way you miss them
- The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.....
Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons. No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.
Dia yang diambil dari tulang rusuk. Jika Tuhan mempersatukan dua orang yang berlawanan sifatnya, maka itu akan menjadi saling melengkapi. Dialah penolongmu yang sepadan, bukan sparing partner yang sepadan. Ketika pertandingan dimulai, dia tidak berhadapan denganmu untuk melawanmu, tetapi dia akan berada bersamamu untuk berjaga-jaga di belakang saat engkau berada di depan atau segera mengembalikan bola ketika bola itu terlewat olehmu, dialah yang akan menutupi kekuranganmu.
Dia ada untuk melengkapi yang tak ada dalam laki-laki: perasaan, emosi, kelemahlembutan, keluwesan, keindahan, kecantikan, rahim untuk melahirkan, mengurusi hal-hal sepele... sehingga ketika laki-laki tidak mengerti hal-hal itu, dialah yang akan menyelesaikan bagiannya sehingga tanpa kau sadari ketika kau menjalankan sisa hidupmu... kau menjadi lebih kuat karena kehadirannya di sisimu.
Jika ada makhluk yang sangat bertolak belakang, kontras dengan lelaki, itulah perempuan. Jika ada makhluk yang sanggup menaklukkan hati hanya dengan sebuah senyuman, itulah perempuan.
Ia tidak butuh argumentasi hebat dari seorang laki-laki... tetapi ia butuh jaminan rasa aman darinya karena ia ada untuk dilindungi....tidak hanya secara fisik tetapi juga emosi.
Ia tidak tertarik kepada fakta-fakta yang akurat, bahasa yang teliti dan logis yang bisa disampaikan secara detail dari seorang laki-laki, tetapi yang ia butuhkan adalah perhatiannya... kata-kata yang lembut... ungkapan-ungkapan sayang yang sepele... namun baginya sangat berarti... membuatnya aman di dekatmu....
Batu yang keras dapat terkikis habis oleh air yang luwes, sifat laki-laki yang keras ternetralisir oleh kelembutan perempuan. Rumput yang lembut tidak mudah tumbang oleh badai dibandingkan dengan pohon yang besar dan rindang... seperti juga di dalam kelembutannya di situlah terletak kekuatan dan ketahanan yang membuatnya bisa bertahan dalam situasi apapun.
Ia lembut bukan untuk diinjak, rumput yang lembut akan dinaungi oleh pohon yang kokoh dan rindang.
Jika lelaki berpikir tentang perasaan wanita, itu sepersekian dari hidupnya.... tetapi jika perempuan berpikir tentang perasaan lelaki, itu akan menyita seluruh hidupnya.... Karena perempuan diciptakan dari tulang rusuk laki-laki, karena perempuan adalah bagian dari laki-laki... apa yang menjadi bagian dari hidupnya, akan menjadi bagian dari hidupmu. Keluarganya akan menjadi keluarga barumu, keluargamu pun akan menjadi keluarganya juga. Sekalipun ia jauh dari keluarganya, namun ikatan emosi kepada keluarganya tetap ada karena ia lahir dan dibesarkan di sana.... karena mereka, ia menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Perasaannya terhadap keluarganya, akan menjadi bagian dari perasaanmu juga... karena kau dan dia adalah satu.... dia adalah dirimu yang tak ada sebelumnya. Ketika pertandingan dimulai, pastikan dia ada di bagian lapangan yang sama denganmu.
The guy who loves you, if he can't always see you, he will try to make himself busy, for not to have any time to remember you, because he knows if he does, he will keep on missing you until he could do nothing.
The guy who loves you, can't tell you the reason why he loves you, he only knows that in his eyes, you are the only one.
The guy who loves you, seldom praises you, but in his heart, you are the best, only he knows it.
The guy who loves you, will scold or complain if you don't reply his message but others, because he cares.
The guy who loves you, only drops his tears in front of you, when you try to wipe his tears, you are touching his heart, the heart which beats for you.
The guy who loves you, will remember every word you said, even if it's accidentally, and he will use the word always at the nick of time.
The guy who loves you, will not give any promise that easily, because he doesn't want to break the promise, he wants you to believe in him and he wants to give you the happiest and safest life ever after.
The guy who loves you, always tells you not to think too much, because he already plans it for you, he wants to give you the best life in the future, he wants to give you a surprise, believe him that he can do it.
The guy who loves you, will go to airport to fetch you, he won't carry a bunch of roses and call you darling like what you expect, but he will carry your luggage and ask you "Why are you becoming that thin within two days?" with his sincere heart.
The guy who loves you, will listen quietly to you when you are mad, and when you finish, he will say "You still got class tomorrow, sleep earlier." with smile.
The guy who loves you, doesn't know that whether he should call you when you are angry, but he will send a message to you after few hours, if you ask him why he called that late, he will say "When you are angry, my explanation are all rubbish. But when you are calm down, my explanation will only really works."
The guy who loves you, always calls you little girl, but everytime he wants to make a big decision, he will first want to hear your advice.
The guy who loves you, doesn't like little toy like teddy bear, but he will always put the bear you gift him at his bed.
The guy who loves you, while quarreling, he will apologize uncontrollably, although you are the one who's wrong, and later, he will sent a message to you with "Baby, actually you know it's your fault, you know it yourself."
The guy who loves you, when he really misses you, he will buy a bunch of roses and wait for you stupidly under your apartment, but he never knows what he bought was daisy, but it doesn't matter because in his heart, there are roses.
The guy who loves you, will call you in the middle of a night, just to hear your voice.
The guy who loves you, sometimes makes you jealous, just to see the reaction in your face, whether you're jealous or not.
The guy who loves you, often pretends like he doesn't care about you, but for sure he's so into you.
The guy who loves you, seldom says "I love you" because he thinks act speaks louder than words.
The guy who loves you, sometimes calls you for talking about unimportant things, he misses you!
Girls in crush or love, do you think the guy who's beside you really loves you? If yes, wish you have the happiest day ever after.
Deutschland sucht den Superstar - Cry on My Shoulder
If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone, you're feeling blue
If you wait for love and you're alone
If you call your friends, nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I'll show you there's a destiny
The best things in life, they are free
But if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad, your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is gray, oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I'll make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay by your side
I promise you I'll never hide
But if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad, your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
Wishing on a dream that seems far off
Hoping it will come today
Into the starlit night
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze
Waiting on a shooting star
But what if that star is not to come?
Will that dream fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most
We all need to believe there is hope
Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?
I know my heart should guide me but
There's a hole within my soul
What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?
I wish then for a chance to see
Now all i need (desperately)
Is my star to come...
Element : WOMEN
Symbol : WO+
Atomic mass : Accepted as 53.6 kg; isotopes may vary from 40-200 kg.
Occurrence : Copious quantities in all urban areas.
1. Boils at room temperature
2. Freezes without any known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Sweet as honey if given a proper treatment.
1. Have great affinity for Gold, Silver and a range of precious stones and absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
2. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for unknown cause.
3. Insoluble in liquids, but activity greatly increases by that.
4. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.
1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when happy.
2. Turns green when placed behind a better specimen.
Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come in direct contact with each other.
If a girl cries in front of you,
it means that she couldn't take it anymore.
If you take her hand,
she would stay with you for the rest of your life.
If you let her go,
she couldn't go back to being herself anymore.
A girl won't cry easily,
only when she loves you the most, she put down her ego.
if a girl cries because of you, please don't give her up,
maybe because of your decision, you ruin her life.
When she cries right in front of you,
when she cries because of you,
look into her eyes,
can you see and feel the pain and hurt she's feeling?
which other girl have cried with pure, sincerity,
in front of you, and because of you?
She cries not because she is weak,
she cries not because she wants sympathy or pity,
she cries because crying silently is no longer possible.
Guys, think about it,
if a girl cries her heart out to you, and all because of you,
it's time to look back on what you have done,
only you will know the answer for it.
Do consider it,
because one day,
it may be too late for regrets,
it may be too late to say "I'm sorry"...
When a GIRL is quiet,
Millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers "I'm fine" after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday,
She wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL sms's you everyday,
She wants you to reply at least once.
When a GIRL says 'I love you',
She means it.
When a GIRL says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.
When a GIRL says 'I miss you',
No one in this world can miss you more than that.
Seorang anak laki-laki kecil bertanya kepada ibunya, "Mengapa engkau menangis?"
"Karena aku seorang wanita", kata sang ibu kepadanya.
"Aku tidak mengerti", kata anak itu.
Ibunya hanya memeluknya dan berkata, "Dan kau tak akan pernah mengerti"
Kemudian anak laki-laki itu bertanya kepada ayahnya, "Mengapa ibu suka menangis tanpa alasan?"
"Semua wanita menangis tanpa alasan", hanya itu yang dapat dikatakan oleh ayahnya.
Anak laki-laki kecil itu pun lalu tumbuh menjadi seorang laki-laki dewasa, tetap ingin tahu mengapa wanita menangis.
Akhirnya ia menghubungi Tuhan, dan ia bertanya,"Tuhan, mengapa wanita begitu mudah menangis?"
Tuhan berkata: "Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa. Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia; namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan...
"Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan yang sering kali datang dari anak-anaknya...
"Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dankelelahan tanpa mengeluh...
"Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya...
"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya...
"Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahwa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya tanpa ragu...
"Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk diteteskan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan kapan pun ia butuhkan."
Kau tahu: Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, sosok yang ia tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya. Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari matanya, karena itulah pintu hatinya - tempat dimana cinta itu ada.
Setiap Wanita itu Cantik..
When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person. But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them. At that moment, you are in love.
Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh, your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone. Then, you are in love.
Although that special someone was supposed to have called you long back, to let you know of their safe arrival, your phone is quiet. You are desperately waiting for the call! At that moment, you are in love.
If you are much more excited for one short e-mail from that special someone than other many long e-mails, you are in love.
When you find yourself as one who cannot erase all the messages in your answering machine because of one message from that special someone, you are in love.
When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you would not hesitate to think of that special someone. Then, you are in love.
You keep telling yourself, "that special someone is just a friend", but you realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction. At that moment, you are in love.
While you are reading this page, if someone appears in your mind, then you are in love with that person.
Kalo tuh jerawat dipencet, pertama bakal keluar nanah, terus darah. Pokoknya pencet terus sampe darahnya kering dan bersih, ntar pasti cepet kempesnya.
Hal : Penawaran Kesepakatan
Dengan hormat,
Saya sangat gembira memberitahukan Anda bahwa saya telah jatuh cinta kepada Anda terhitung tanggal 17 April 2003. Berdasarkan rapat keluarga kami tanggal 15 Mei lalu pukul 19.00 WIB, saya berketetapan hati untuk menawarkan diri sebagai kekasih Anda yang prospektif. Hubungan cinta kita akan menjalin masa percobaan minimal 3 bulan sebelum memasuki tahap permanen. Tentu saja, setelah masa percobaan usai, akan diadakan terlebih dahulu on the job training secara intensif dan berkelanjutan. Dan kemudian, setiap tiga bulan selanjutnya akan diadakan juga evaluasi performa kerja yang bisa menuju pada pemberian kenaikan status dari kekasih menjadi pasangan hidup. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk ke rumah makan dan shopping akan dibagi 2 sama rata antara kedua belah pihak. Selanjutnya didasarkan pada performa dan kinerja Anda, tidak tertutup kemungkinan bahwa saya akan menanggung bagian yang lebih besar pengeluaran total. Akan tetapi, saya cukup bijaksana dan mampu menilai, jumlah dan bentuk pengeluaran yang Anda keluarkan nantinya.
Saya dengan segala kerendahan hati meminta anda untuk menjawab penawaran ini dalam waktu 30 hari terhitung tanggal penerimaan surat. Lewat dari tanggal tersebut, penawaran ini akan dibatalkan tanpa pemberitahuan lebih lanjut, dan tentu saja saya akan beralih dan mempertimbangkan kandidat lain. Saya akan sangat berterima kasih apabila Anda berkenan untuk meneruskan surat ini kepada adik perempuan, sepupu bahkan teman dekat anda, apabila Anda menolak penawaran ini.
Demikian penawaran yang dapat saya ajukan dan sebelumnya terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
Hormat saya,
Bakal calon pasanganmu
Archimedes dan Newton tak akan mengerti
Medan magnet yang berinduksi di antara kita
Einstein dan Edison tak sanggup merumuskan E=mc2
Ah tak sebanding dengan momen cintaku
Pertama kali bayangmu jatuh tepat di fokus hatiku
Nyata, tegak, diperbesar dengan kekuatan lensa maksimum
Bagai tetes minyak milikan jatuh di ruang hampa
Cintaku lebih besar dari bilangan avogadro
Walau jarak kita bagai matahari dan Pluto saat aphelium
Amplitudo gelombang hatimu berinterfensi dengan hatiku
Seindah gerak harmonik sempurna tanpa gaya pemulih
Bagai kopel gaya dengan kecepatan angular yang tak terbatas
Energi mekanik cintaku tak terbendung oleh friksi
Energi potensial cintaku tak terpengaruh oleh tetapan gaya
Energi kinetik cintaku = (1/2)mv2
Bahkan hukum kekekalan energi tak dapat menandingi hukum kekekalan di antara kita
Lihat hukum cinta kita
Momen cintaku tegak lurus dengan momen cintamu
Menjadikan cinta kita sebagai titik ekuilibrium yang sempurna
Dengan inersia tak terhingga
Takkan tergoyahkan impuls atau momentum gaya
Inilah resultan momentum cinta kita