Friday, December 29, 2006

aku dan kamu

Berulang kali ku tahan gejolak dalam diri
Gatal, jari-jemariku tergelitik tuk menekan tombol-tombol berteknologi tinggi
Tatkala namamu muncul di sudut layar lebar berukuran 13 inci
Biarpun ku terus-menerus menerapkan sikap pengendalian diri dari ilmu bertajuk kemoralan yang selama 18 tahun mengindoktrinasi pikiran seorang pelajar
Toh akhirnya runtuh juga
Kutekan segiempat biru berlabel namamu itu
Dan kutulis...
an kupanggil...
Dan ku beri sejuta alasan untuk bertanya dan berbicara
Hanya denganmu...
Dan kau jawab aku,
Dan kau beri ku setitik harapan,
Dan kau berusaha seminimal mungkin untuk tidak melukaiku,
Dan ku tetap mengerti,
Kamu palsu
Aku masih mengharapmu

Saturday, December 16, 2006

hanya ku

Kulihat punggungmu semakin menjauh
Kau pergi
Dan ku takkan dapat melihatmu lagi
Terakhir kalinya ku ingin melihatmu
Sekilas saja

Detak jantungku serasa berhenti
Ketika kau berbalik
Dan ku segera menyembunyikan mataku

Dari sudut mataku
Sekilas ku merasa
Kau melihatku
Walaupun hanya sedetik
Dua detik

Sekejap pikiranku terbang melayang
Apakah halusinasi?
Patutkah kulambungkan kembali mimpiku?

Dan ketika kuadukan segenap nyawaku
Kau tak bicara

Kau balikkan punggungmu sekali lagi
Tanpa menoleh
Dan ku tahu
Semuanya hanya ku

15 Desember 2006
Kata-kata yang berhamburan keluar di antara kekacauan ujian sekolah

Thursday, December 14, 2006

missing you

As I realize I might not be able to see you anymore this year, I keep dreaming about you when I'm in the middle of my sleep. I know I should focus more on my finals, and the logic says it's good that I won't be able to see you so that I can focus more on my study. But my brain and my heart are not synchronized, they just don't go together. If only there is any functionality like in the JAVA programming, by using the keyword synchronized or by using a binary semaphore to limit an entry into a critical section, perhaps I won't get easily distracted like this. Oh gosh, how much I really want to see you. Do you even realize that I'm longing for you? All the good time that we had together, as well as the bad times that made me so frustrated, I will cherish all of them. But please, let me get some peaceful rest. Get out of my mind just for a little bit, will ya?

December 14, 2006
* A modern poem written by Pei
** If there is any similar situation, it is just a mere coincidence. I am not responsible for anything that you feel after reading this post.

Friday, December 8, 2006

kesombonganmu vs kekesalanku

Kamu, sebegitukah bencinya padaku?
Aku, sebegitukah menyebalkannya buatmu?
Apa karena aku terlalu banyak bicara?
Kalau aku diam, kamu senang?
Kalau aku bisu, kamu puas?

Ke laut aja lo!

8 Desember 2006

* Haha.. Belakangnya jadi ga puitis lagi, soalnya gue udah mesti pergi dan ga ada waktu lagi buat ngelanjutin. Udah ah, daaaaaaaaaahhhhh....

Saturday, December 2, 2006


susahnya mengartikan kamu
pikiranmu tak dapat kutebak
kamu itu siapa?
mengapa kamu muncul dalam bayanganku?
mengartikan sepi dan rindu yang selama ini tak dapat terjawab
begitu dekat namun begitu jauh
kamu tersenyum tapi kau palingkan wajahmu
untuk siapa senyum itu?
mengapa bukan untukku?
ketika kau pandang wajahku apa yang kau pikirkan?
apakah aku hama bagimu?
ataukah aku bunga bagimu?
siapa aku?

2 Desember 2006

* Puisi ini hanyalah karangan semata. Kesamaan peristiwa hanyalah suatu kebetulan belaka.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thank you...

Whatever happens,
Whatever reasons there are,
Whatever excuses everyone said,
I'm happy to spend time with you,
Although it takes too much of my wisdom,
Although it made me lost and confused,
Although I have to bear the sadness,
I enjoy our time together =)

Monday, November 20, 2006


Pemandangan hari ini sangatlah buruk
Mataku bak melihat kotoran busuk
Yang kukira kuat hatiku
Nyatanya kupilih tuk berlalu

Tak kuasa kutelan fakta
Kau tlah miliki dirinya
Rasaku sudah terpotong
Semua adalah harapan kosong

P.S. Kalau kata Dewa, 'Ingin kubunuh pacarmu...'

20 November 2006

*Kata-kata yang tanpa kabar bermunculan suatu kala di tengah kesibukanku.
**Jika ada kesamaan dalam hal kata atau peristiwa, hal ini sama sekali TAK disengaja. Puisi ini hanyalah karangan semata.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

sebuah tragedi

Di kala cinta itu adalah sesuatu yang terlarang
Tekanannya begitu menyakitkan seolah terasa kamu sudah mati
Hingga kamu begitu berharap seandainya kamu tak pernah mengenal dirinya


When you are crazily in love, the problems come from external sources
Those are not easy to solve, but for sure much more easier to face than those which come from internal sources
So when you are widely 'awake', you face the reality
And those are the times when all temptation comes
You need to be strong, or else it will snatch your most precious things away
Not just one, but everything will be gone
So you'd rather not to be greedy

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

pizza and hamburgers

when you said you had the feeling
i could not believe it
was my extra effort paid off...?
although i smelled like pizza and you smelled like hamburgers
i wanted to see you right away
but being far from you could be the best thing
so you would not see the redness on my face

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Health and Body

In this busy situation, it's impossible to get sick. I mean, yes it is very likely to get sick since I don't have enough sleep and rest everyday, but then I can't afford to get sick. That means I have to take care of myself.

Sleeping early is not an option for me, as the workloads keep increasing and assignments are piling up. Then I have to find other ways to at least reduce the possibility of me catching any illness. Fruits like banana, strawberry or any other kind that I barely touched in the past years become my main menu now, at least one per day. Drinking more water also become a new rule for me. Eating properly is a must, and cleaning the room is one of my agenda every week; although the last one is often missed because of this tight schedule of mine.

Hmmm... It's pretty much amazing how this girl, who never ever cared about her own health before, became sort of health conscious. Great improvement, eh!? ^^

Monday, October 2, 2006

break time

Before resuming my studies, let me share some stories that I have in these couple of days.

I haven't surfed on people's blogs for weeks, and it just happened that Friendster gave me a notice on updated blog. So I opened this blog, not realizing whose blog it was. It was my high school teacher's blog. As I read and read and kept reading, I realized that it's so beautiful, I mean her feeling and dedication as a mother and wife. And her husband, who was also my high school teacher, gave her a comment in one of her post which is so so sooooo romantic. So nice...

Anyway, onto the next topic. As a part of my continuing research, please answer this question: Do you think avocado juice is an Indonesian food? (or should I say drink.) By this I mean no other countries ever have avocado juice. It's just that everytime I talk about avocado juice to people from other countries, their reaction is like 'huh?! Avocado juice!???' So I had this little research and here is the result. My baby darling -and he's from Malaysia- said he never tasted avocado not until he came here and ate sushi. Ms. YL, also from Malaysia, didn't even know what avocado was. Ms. A, from Japan, said that avocado is only for California rolls (a sushi type). I also remembered my sis said Mrs. PP and Mr. SP, from USA, never tried avocado juice. So, my conclusion is avocado juice is an Indonesian drink. Is this right? Or do you know if avocado juice is from the Netherlands? (since Indonesia was colonialized by the Dutch so I thought maybe we got an influence from them.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Please remember me, darling...
Remember me and my existence
For I will become extinct very soon
Remember me...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Study Abroad

I know I'm not a kid. And as a kid, I'm pretty sure I didn't ask to buy this and that a lot. Even though I asked, event though it was quite an expensive stuff, I never forced my parents to buy it. Once my parents said no, then I wouldn't ask anymore. When I live by myself now, and finance becomes my own problem, I even pay more attention to what I buy. Although a lot of times I want to buy some stuff, I can help myself to not think about it. I can limit myself to not spend so much. And so you could say I'm living in a low cost rate.

But then this time, it's a strong feeling. I really want it. It doesn't seem important for some people, and I also don't think it's extremely important to me. Maybe I would just waste my time and money, but all I could think of is the experience. I want the experience. I might not be able to adapt to the new environment easily, but I can admit I'm strongly drawn to go and study in other countries. Perhaps you could say right now I'm already studying abroad. Yes, I am, but I want more.

Though financially I might not be able to afford it, but what I regret and can't accept is the way people around me think about it. The way they think it's time and money wasting. The way they want me to graduate as fast as possible and as young as possible.

Maybe I'm just jealous over a friend, who has been studying abroad for more than 3 times in different countries; who has been to Japan, Latin America, North America, and so on and so forth. Maybe it's just a jealousy towards the way her family is rich enough to fund her to go anywhere; the way the people around her think that gaining experience is more important than a success in academic at such a young age; and the way everyone around her doesn't push her that far.

And now I think, what am I pushing myself very hard for? Why do I care to kill myself with 18 credits? And why am I concerned to get as best grades as possible? What for?

Again, maybe it's just a jealousy, or maybe it's how childish I am. But still, I'm disappointed with it.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

lessons from a movie

After watching The Break-Ups, I realized how much pride (a.k.a. gengsi) could harm our relationships with people. Hmmmm... Maybe I should learn from this as I could be considered as one who cares about pride so much.

The ending is not relly satisfying, but I recommend this movie to some guys out there! They need to learn that no matter how patient we -girls- are, our patience has its limit. Note that I didn't say all guys, but SOME guys; so if you think you're not included in that 'some' category, no offense alright?


Monday, August 28, 2006

saat menunggu penerbangan yang tertunda

Kala hati sedang bingung,
Siapa yang mengerti?
Kalau hati sedang galau,
Siapa juga yang akan mengerti?

Kala semua tak pernah merasakannya,
Apa mereka bisa mengerti?
Kalau pun ada yang pernah merasa,
Apa aku mengerti?

Bingung, aku benci!
Mau bertanya pada siapa?
Manusia-manusia terlanjur mengecap jelek
Buruknya saja yang digosipi

Kenyataannya, sisi baiknya apa kelihatan?
Kalau aku berkata begini, mereka bilang begitu
Tak percaya pokoknya!
Kapan dong aku bisa diyakini?

Susah memang kalau punya kepribadian ganda
Satu begini, satunya begitu
Mau begini, maunya begitu
Terus gimana dong?

Ikut setan, atau ikut malaikat?
Ikut kata hati, atau ikut kata pikiran?
Kalau boleh, aku pengen jadi diriku sendiri
Yang bebas lepas, tanpa dibebani omongan-omongan nyasar

Tapi, emangnya bisa???

Di sebuah airport saat menunggu penerbangan yang tertunda, 24 Agustus 2006

Menunggu Bintang Jatuh

Aku berdiri di tengah keramaian
Suara melintas di sana-sini
Namun apa yang kurasa?
Sepi, sepi aku sendiri

Aku berlari mencari langit
Berharap melihat seberkas cahaya
Namun di manakah engkau bintang?
Yang kudapat hanya kelamnya malam

Dunia, mengapa kau permainkan aku?
Di saat kucari, kau pergi
Di saat kudiam, kau tak datang
Apa maumu?

Kau yang begitu mudah mengatakannya
Namun segera hilang terseret angin
Lalu apa itu teman?
Apa itu cinta?

Meteor, melintaslah!
Ku kan selalu menunggu
Jadilah setitik harapan
Berikan aku teman sejati


Friday, July 21, 2006


That afternoon, I caught you on my sight
And there, you were visible on my night

The you, whom I would not be able to have
And yet, why were you there?

I would not dare to appear right in front of you and say "hey, let's go to that country with me"
I would not even have the courage to say a simple hi and introduce myself

Though our paths have crossed once or twice or even more
Perhaps, you won't realize that this creature does exist in the world

Tired, looking at you from afar
Different taste, different story, different level

I would not fit in your story at all
So why? Why were you there?

Thursday, July 6, 2006


I am a tamed bird who has been living in a cage for years. Day by day passes by just by looking at this small garden. Small, yet peaceful and beautiful, singing along with the flowers and trees.

I thought I was happy and satisfied. But, was it true...? Yes, it's true that I'm happy. Yet, I can't say that I'm satisfied.

I wanna fly in a clear sky, to taste the freedom and the wilderness. Jealousy of eagles always emerges, but here I am locked in a cage. No matter how hard I scream for freedom, I won't ever get it. Never... ever....

The wind blows and the grass whispers to me, "We will help you run if you're willing to fly." But, I am afraid of escaping this comfortable cage. What if I'm unable to stay alive? What if I'm not able to fly and fall? And now I'm still stuck here in the same place as before, thinking...

I'm still a bird locked in a cage...
I'm just a bird locked in a cage...

05232006 - 07052006
Between Babat and Jakarta

Sunday, May 28, 2006

impianku yang berbeda

Setahun dua tahun ku menabung di negeri orang
Menabung ilmu dan menabung mimpi
Meski susah payah harus ku hadapi
Kan ku tahan demi meraih mimpi
Tinggalkan akar muasalku
Apakah aku salah?
Kalau ku inginkan jalan lain dari yang lain
Mengapa dianggap salah?

23 Mei 2006 * 28 Mei 2006
Tanah Babat * Tanah Jakarta

Tuesday, May 9, 2006


A splash of your blood spoils my body
Eating away all my cells
My brain starts to lose its function
My heart is weakened
I know I'm dying
Vanishing you may not be the best idea
But might not be too late
Might result in my instant death either
This is a bet of life and death
What should I do?
Only microsecond spare is left

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Belajar bahasa Indonesia versi tidak gaul

Komik... sejenak telah menghapus pandangan dari obyektif semula. Namun pagi ini mimpi itu datang: mimpi di mana tes Computer Architecture II akhirnya datang menghadang. Menanyakan hal-hal yang tidak masuk akal, karena tak pernah terasa satu pun material terlihat oleh mata. Hanya sepuluh di antara 30 soal-soal essai yang mampu terjawab. Yang mengenaskan hati adalah pertanyaan '3-bit Booth's Multiplication Algorithm' tak mampu pula terpikir otak. 'Ini mah parah!' pikirku 'Aku perlu belajar!' Maka pagi ini seusai rutinitas pagi hari cepat-cepat komik dihabiskan. 'Mekakushi no Kuni' volume satu sampe tujuh sudah habis kemarin; sisanya nomor delapan dan sembilan dihabiskan siang ini. Keinginan membaca 'Parfait Tic' pun muncul lagi, tapi tidak!!! Mimpi terbayang di dalam pikiran, seketika itu juga buku manual Computer Architecture II mulai dipelajari. Hihihi... Kalau tidak diingatkan ya mana bisa ingat?

Setelah beberapa waktu akhirnya telah didapatkan sedikit kepuasan perut, yang sedari dulu sudah meraung-raung meminta makanan yang biasa ada di Indonesia. Ingat Bread Talk? Dari dulu ketika cuma ada di Singapura, hati ini sudah terkait dengan yang bernama Strawberry atau Peach Pastry. Hmmmm... Waktu berkunjung ke salah satu chain bakery lokal, rencana awal hanya untuk meminum es coklat, tapi begitu sang Pastry (cuma ada stroberi) muncul di hadapan mata, es coklat pun tersingkirkan. Hmmmm... yummy! Berikutnya ingat juga kue Manju? Dulu sempat dijual di Mal Taman Anggrek sekotak besar cuma 30 ribu rupiah. Kuenya manis kecil-kecil, dalamnya diisi krim vanila atau coklat. Toko kue manju itu akhirnya hilang entah ke mana, namun ternyata di sini kue tersebut muncul dalam bentuk yang lebih besar. Disebut Custard Cake, merk Orion. Wah wah wah hati ini pun senang!!! =D

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

orang cantik

Orang cantik di sini tuh ada 2 macem (di mana-mana juga sih, ga di sini doang, cuman gue baru nyadar pas tinggal di sini). Yang satu, cantik make-up. Jadi pake kosmetik tebel-tebel, makanya muka bisa berubah total jadi cantik. Tapi kalo baru bangun tidur (atau ga sempet dandan) duilehhhh... mukanya jadi beda bo! Jadi keliatan tua gitu. Contohnya ada pada artis-artis terkenal.

Tipe kedua itu cantik alami. Ga usah dandan macem-macem udah cantik dari sononya, atau make-up tipis natural aja udah cukup. Jadi walopun pake atau ga pake kosmetik, tampangnya tetep sama ga berubah. Buat gue, tipe kedua ini lebih sedep dipandang mata, rasanya fresh menyegarkan aja (apa sih???) Tapi sayang, bule-bule sini rupanya hanya sedikit yang mengerti konsep cantik alami.

Nah kalo gue ini termasuk tipe yang mana? Karena gue jarang dandan (kesehariannya ga dandan), tapi tetp kiyut dan manis, maka gue termasuk tipe yang kedua dong. =P

Gimana pendapat lo soal dua konsep cantik ini? Setuju atau ada komen yang laen???

Friday, February 10, 2006

a short fiction

I was browsing through an old floppy disk when I found this file. This is a short story that I made a few years back, inspired by the two great AC Milan's soccer players Alessandro Nesta and Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite (Kaká), and a cute little son of another great Italian soccer player Fabio Cannavaro (the son's name is Christian). I made this in Indonesian, and I don't think I can translate it in English since it won't preserve the true meaning of the story. I'm really sorry for those of you who can't understand Indonesian.


Entah sudah berapa lama aku berdiri di pinggir kolam itu. Rasanya baru beberapa hari lalu aku bersamanya di tempat ini, tetapi kalau diingat-ingat, sepertinya aku salah. Waktu itu aku bukan bersama Kaká, melainkan bersama Christian, adik angkatku yang lucu sekali. Saat itu aku sedang main dorong-dorongan dengan si kecil hingga kami berdua jatuh ke kolam, dan kodok-kodok pun berloncatan karena kaget. Kemudian ia datang, menolongku untuk berdiri. Bukan, ia bukan Kaká, ia adalah ksatria lain yang saat itu belum kukenal. Itulah awal pertemuanku dengan Nesta.

Enam bulan telah berlalu sejak kejadian itu. Sekarang, aku telah mengenal Nesta dengan baik, sama seperti aku mengenal Kaká hingga ke ujung hatinya. Mereka berdua berbeda. Kaká begitu baik, dengan wajah imut kekanakan yang terlihat sangat tak berdosa. Sedangkan Nesta sangat tampan dan gagah, dengan berbagai keisengan yang membuatku kesal tetapi rindu. Namun, dalam semua perbedaan itu terdapat satu kesamaan yang tak bisa dipungkiri lagi: mereka punya sesuatu yang sangat aku inginkan.

Aku benar-benar dihadapkan pada suatu pilihan yang sulit. Sudah sekian lama aku berpikir di tempat ini. Ternyata, memandang air kolam yang jernih pun tetap tidak bisa menjernihkan hati dan pikiranku. Bagaimana ini? Padahal besok telah tiba saatnya. Mereka sudah menunggu jawaban yang tegas dariku.

Kuputar kembali semua memoriku, dari awal hingga akhir. Kupikirkan semua sisi baik dan buruknya dari masing-masing pilihan. Hingga akhirnya aku sampai pada sebuah keputusan. Ya, aku telah memilih yang kurasa adalah pilihan terbaik untukku.

Hari penentuan pun telah tiba. Kami bertiga duduk di pinggir kolam, tempat pertemuanku dengan Kaká maupun Nesta untuk yang pertama kalinya. Aku tahu mereka berdua merasa gugup. Begitu juga denganku. Dengan segala keberanian kucurahkan isi hatiku. Aku meminta maaf pada Nesta. Bagaimanapun juga, setelah kupertimbangkan matang-matang, kodok milik Kaká yang lebih baik.

Kodok milik Kaká berwarna kebiruan. Agak gendut memang, kakinya gembil-gembil, tapi terlihat sangat unik. Kodok milik Nesta sebetulnya juga tak kalah bagusnya. Warnanya hijau muda cemerlang. Sangat gagah, seperti pemiliknya.

Christian hobi sekali memelihara kodok. Sudah 14 kodok ia punyai. Sebentar lagi ia akan berulang tahun. Maka aku pun ingin membelikannya kodok baru agar ia senang. Kaká dan Nesta sudah lama menawarkan kodoknya padaku. Aku suka keduanya. Namun uangku hanya cukup untuk membeli satu, jadi aku harus memilih salah satu. Berhubung aku tergolong remaja yang masih berkembang, aku harus menyisakan sebagian uang untukku sendiri. Maka aku memilih kodok milik Kaká, yang harganya relatif lebih murah.

Kuberikan hadiah itu pada hari ulang tahun Christian. Melihat kodok barunya Christian berteriak kegirangan. Karena kodok itu dibeli dari Kaká, maka kami memutuskan untuk memberinya nama Kuká. Kulihat Christian gembira sekali dengan hadiahku itu. Lega sekali rasanya telah mengambil pilihan yang tepat. Christian senang, aku pun juga senang.

Tugas Bahasa Indonesia dari Bu I: membuat cerpen.
Dibuat pada tanggal 16 Februari 2004, dan dibacakan di salah satu kelas SMU di Indonesia pada tanggal 18 Februari 2004.
Diketik ulang dengan sedikit perubahan pada tanggal 24 Juli 2004.

. . . Pei . . .

So damn funny, isn't it? Well, at least for me. I won't forget my classmates' reaction when the story was being read. They were all teasing me during the first half of the story and I just pretended to be embarassed. It was so hard trying not to laugh. When it came to the 'right moment', everyone was like 'WHAT!????' and after that we laughed so hard all the way until it was finished.

Boyoboyoboyoboy o boyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I think that's the best story I've created so far. I never received such a great response from anyone before, so I'm very satisfied with this masterpiece. There is another long story that's quite good. It was used as a storyline for a comic. The images were drawn by Himiko-chan and Kuroineko. Too bad I couldn't finish it becoz I got final exams for junior high graduation and then I moved to senior high (they were younger than me so they were still in junior high).

Anyway, I didn't expect the short story would turn out to be this great. When the fiction writing assignment was given, I didn't have any idea what to write. But when I reached home, I enjoyed writing it so much till it came to an end. Guess what? I was the only one who finished the assignment by the due date. Since I had finished it, everyone had to finish their own story too. Hehehehehe... Sorry everyone!!! Actually Mrs. I wanted me to make the sequel, about my relationship between Kaká and Nesta after that, something like whom I chose at the end. But then... I just couldn't imagine I was with either one of them. That's a 'too far away' dream. And she wouldn't give me any extra credits anyway =P So be it... Let it end there...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Aaaah my hair!!!

This place is extremely cold now. It's been proven.

This morning I woke up kinda late, so I took shower right away and washed my hair. I got ready as soon as possible and ran to the church. There was no time to dry my hair, I just combed it. Guess what happened when I arrived at the church? My hair... it was frozen!!! All the hair was stuck into one and as hard as a block of ice -__-;;

Crazy, it's crazy!!! And I still got two more winter to come T___T

So how is my hair now? Well, the room temperature made my hair back to normal and it's dry now *relieved*

Saturday, January 14, 2006

another dream

Last night I dreamt of someone that I shouldn't dream of. Maybe it's just because of my recent talk with a friend. In that dream he was extremely nice to me. Sending me home while talking about the past. I wasn't sure what we were talking about exactly, until suddenly he hugged me and said "Too bad you're not mine anymore. You're someone else's now." This is the most impossible thing coz he never even held my hand before so hugging is out of the question. Moreover, he regretted what he did?! Huh, I don't think that would happen in my entire life. So what did I answer in the dream? I was kinda sad too but then I told him "Remember, it was your choice to have someone else beside you." And you know what, I was very satisfied when I said that. Hehehehe... I think I still have that desire until now. I have been wanting him to regret so much of what he did to me. So harsh, but don't get me wrong. I never want to hurt him, I just want him to realize that I'm more precious than what he thought. Oh well, that shouldn't matter anymore coz it's just the past that has been closed forever.

And about the other girl, at one time I was so afraid of her, since she didn't only ruin my relationship, but my pre-relationship with another guy as well (maksudnya PeDeKaTeh gitu hehehehe...) People say we look alike, just that she is prettier coz she has that Indo face (a mixture of Indonesian and European). Not fair, isn't it? I have to lose on physical matter in which I can't do anything. However, I was relieved coz I moved to this country and she stayed in Indonesia, so I hope she won't get into my way anymore.

Oh well, kenapa jadi curhat colongan gini ya?

Thursday, January 5, 2006

nasehat ibu peri

ibu peri...
begitu aku memanggilnya karna waktuku bertemu dengan ibu peri tak pernah tentu
munculnya selalu tiba-tiba, di tengah jalanku pulang dari sekolah
'tak semua orang pintar, nak...' kata ibu peri sewaktu mengobati lukaku dari pertengkaran dengan musuh satu sekolah
'apa maksudnya, Bu?' tanyaku bingung karna aku ingat ibu peri pernah mengatakan bahwa semua orang itu pintar, hanya saja terkadang mereka malas
'semua memang punya otak yang sehat, tapi tak semua memanfaatkan dengan baik.'
aku pun masih terbengong-bengong mencerna kata-kata ibu peri
'dan sekarang semua terserah kamu. mau menjadi orang yang memakai otak atau membuang-buang otak?'
'tentu yang pakai otak dong, bu!' jawabku bersemangat

terima kasih ibu periku... ^-^


I've been dreaming of non-sense things recently. Last nite I dreamt of having a wedding. Hohohohoho... What does that mean? Yesterday I dreamt of committing suicide and becoming a ghost. Hohohoho... What does that mean either? The day before I also dreamt of participating in a flying competition and ended up in an adventure of saving an animal. Isn't that cool? Hauhauhauahua... Non-sense though. I wish all of those dreams don't mean anything specific.