Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dia dari masa lalu

Gue punya kebiasaan untuk mencari tau tentang mereka-mereka yang pernah hadir di dalam hati gue di masa lalu (as well as keeping in touch with them). Bukan buat CLBK, gue cuman mau tau aja mereka sekarang kayak apa, kabarnya gimana, dll. Kadang nggak nyangka kalo gue dulu pernah suka sama mereka, atau kadang kalo diinget-inget bikin ketawa aja. Apalagi yang dari jaman masih TK atau SD, cinta monyet, lucu banget. Oh, masa lalu... Hehehe...

Tapi ada satu orang yang sampe sekarang gue lost contact. Jangankan kontak, kabar dia pun sampe sekarang gue nggak tau. Bikin penasaran, soalnya terakhir kali gue kontak sama dia itu 10 taon yang lalu. Gue coba search dia di mana-mana, tapi nggak ada hasil. Mungkin dia emang bukan orang komputer kali ya, makanya imel atau social networking account juga nggak punya. Padahal gue pengen banget say hi sama dia. Sebenernya sih gue nemu nomor telponnya dia dari Google. Gue yakin banget itu dia soalnya tanggal lahir sama nama panjangnya sama. Hebat juga ya internet, bisa sampe nemu nomor telpon orang yang udah bertaon-taon nggak ketemu gitu. Jeleknya, kok situs universitas bisa-bisanya sih majang data muridnya secara publik? Kan jadi nggak aman, siapa aja bisa akses tuh nomor telpon. Eniwei, nggak enak dong kalo gue tiba-tiba telpon gitu, belom tentu juga dia inget sama gue, 10 taon gitu loh. Kalo pake imel atau social network gitu kan lebih enak, lebih casual gitu.

Mimpi 04/10/2009

Beberapa hari yang lalu, gue mimpi sesuatu yang aneh dan nggak masuk akal. Tapi saking nggak masuk akalnya, gue rasa ini wajib diceritain. Hehehe... Ngomongin sama mbak S soal jadi istri kedua HYDE plus ngobrol sama mbak J tentang cowok-cowok di masa lalu, gue nggak heran kalo mimpinya jadi kaya begini. Hahahaha...

Ceritanya gue sekeluarga tinggal di sebuah negara antah-berantah (a.k.a. gue nggak tau negara apa dan di mana). Gue dan bokap lagi nonton pidato kenegaraan presiden tau-tau si presiden bilang dia lagi mau ngambil istri kedua. Trus diumumkan calon istri kedua pilihan si bapak presiden ini adalah jeng jeng jeng.... G U E. Ember, gue yang denger juga nggak percaya. Trus bokap gue langsung semangat, nyuruh gue dandan rapi soalnya nanti mo dijemput buat ketemu pak Presiden. Udah dandan rapi, gue dijemput sama serdadu-serdadu dan dibawa ke tempat pidato kenegaraan yang di TV itu.

Sampe sana, gue disuruh duduk di sebelahnya istri pertama pak presiden. Gue yang emang nggak pernah minat sama politik bosen banget denger pidato yang panjang abis. Daripada ketiduran dan ditayangin ke satu negara, gue mulai keluarin kertas dan bolpen trus mulai gambar-gambar dan coret-coret nggak jelas. Eh ternyata jadi figur publik emang susah. Nggak sampe semenit, media udah mulai gonjang-ganjing tentang gue yang nggak sopan, bukannya dengerin dan men-support presiden malah gambar-gambar. Trus ada yang mencela kenapa gue yang dipilih jadi istri kedua padahal nggak ada kualifikasi apa-apa.

Acaranya selese dan gue udah BT berat. Dalem hati gue, siapa juga yang mau jadi istri keduanya presiden. Gue dipilih tanpa sepengetahuan gue dan juga bukan karena kemauan gue, jadi ada hak apa mereka ngomong begitu? Gue pengen nolak, tapi kalo gue beneran jadi istri keduanya presiden pasti gue bakalan jadi kaya, trus gue bisa menghidupi orang tua dan sodara-sodara gue supaya mereka bisa hidup nikmat. Bener aja, bokap gue dateng dan mukanya hepi bener. Dia setuju banget soalnya "Kita semua pasti bisa idup enak nantinya". Denger ini gue langsung ngerasa beban gue berat banget. Gue nggak mau, bener-bener nggak mau, tapi gue nggak enak kalo nolak permintaan orang tua. Akhirnya gue pergi keluar rumah sambil nangis-nangis.

Abis itu gue ketemu sama Mr. Panda (seseorang dengan julukan Panda, bukan panda beneran!) trus dia nanya kenapa gue nangis. Gue cerita semuanya, soal gue nggak mau nikah sama presiden soalnya dia udah tua, dan gue ada orang laen yang gue suka. Si Panda kasian sama gue trus dia bilang "Ayo kita ngomong langsung sama Pak Presiden, pasti dia bakal ngerti. Gue temenin, dan gue bakal bantuin elo bagaimana pun juga."

Kita pergi nemuin pak Presiden, tapi si Presiden muncul dengan gaya yang nyeremin, yaitu pake celana sama sarung tangan tinju, trus nggak pake atasan tapi berotot gitu, serem banget deh. Gue jadi nggak berani ngomong, tapi dengan encouragement dari si Panda, akhirnya gue ngomong juga. Seinget gue di mimpi kita ngomong pake bahasa Inggris, tapi kalo gue translate ke Indo, artinya jadi nggak pas. Jadi gue biarin aja ya pake bahasa Inggris buat percakapan antara gue (PE), Presiden (PR), dan Panda (PA):
PE: "Sir, I came here because there is something important that I would like to talk to you about."
PR: "Go ahead."
PE: "I would like to reject the marriage plan. I know that if I agree to become your wife, my life will be better-off financially, and I will be able to provide a nice comfortable life for my parents and my sisters."
PR: "It is not that simple! You cannot simply use the country's money. This money belongs to all the people. But one thing for sure, if you become my wife, it will be easy to do networking, and you will be able to get a good job and earn lots of money."
PE: "I am fully aware of that too, Sir. But still, I cannot do that."
PR: "Are you sure? So how are you going to feed yourself? How are you going to take care of your family?"
PE: "Well, I will think about that later. In any case, I do not want to proceed with the marriage."
PA: *tiba-tiba motong pembicaraan kita* "I will take care of her."

Gue sama Pak Presiden kaget, trus kita langsung melotot ke si Panda.
PA: "I know I am not that rich, I am even still in debt. But I really love her, so I will help and support her no matter what it takes."

Gue kaget banget sama confession si Panda ini, tapi gue bener-bener nggak mau nikah sama pak Presiden jadi gue sok-sok aja:
PE: "And I love him too. I know it will be tough, but we will be fine on our own."

Kali ini gantian si Panda yang kaget dengerin omongan gue.

Setelah itu, gue maen ke tempatnya Panda. Lagi maen PS2, kita didatengin sama istri pertamanya pak Presiden. Gue kira si istri dateng buat marah-marah karena dia nggak suka kalo ada cewek laen, ternyata dia bilang begini: "Kamu yakin mau nolak pernikahannya? Jangan dong, saya juga udah setuju lho kamu jadi istri kedua." WTH!? Gue tegasin lagi gue nggak mau, dan si istri pergi. Akhirnya berdua lagi, si Panda nanya sama gue, "Tadi omongan lo beneran? Soal yang lo juga suka sama gue." Mmm gimana ya, sebenernya si gue rada bo'ong. Gue sebenernya suka sama cowok laen, tapi gue nggak tau kalo cowok yang gue suka itu bakalan suka sama gue juga atau enggak. Trus gue ya bo'ong lagi, gue bilang aja itu beneran.

Pulang dari rumah Panda, gue pergi ke tempat cowok yang gue suka. Gue pengen tau dia suka sama gue juga atau enggak. Kalo emang dia suka sama gue juga, gue bakalan jujur dan minta maaf ke Panda. Eh ternyata pas sampe di depan rumahnya, cowok ini lagi pacaran sama cewek laen! Sial... Ya udah deh, gue stuck sama Panda aja.

Abis itu alarm gue berbunyi dan gue terbangun sambil terheran-heran. Buset, mimpi gue makin aneh aje! Nggak mungkin banget si Panda sebaek dan seromantis itu, pake acara diajak nikah sama presiden pula! Saking anehnya sampe gue amazed gitu, trus amazement-nya kebawa sampe pas gue nyetir ke kantor. Gue brenti karena lampunya merah, trus sambil nunggu gue ketawa sendiri inget-inget mimpi yang gue alamin sampe-sampe nggak nyadar kalo lampunya udah ijo. Alhasil gue di-klakson-in orang-orang di belakang gue. Hahahaha...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tagged Awards

Thanks to Zerlin and Pika for these awards.

From: Zerlin

  1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

  3. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

  4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Well, as I do not want to impose something on someone, I am passing it to everyone who wants it. Feel free to grab it if you'd like :)

From: Pika

  • As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.

  • To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!

  • Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.

  • Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.

  • Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.

  • Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.

  • Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

The answer has been written in this post. Same as above, I am passing this to everyone who wants to take it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My first surgery

Yes, I just had a surgery yesterday. No, it's not a major, life-threatening surgery. The surgery was for removing my four wisdom teeth. Although it was not life-threatening at all, I was so afraid of it thinking about how the surgery would go. What if the anesthesia was too strong I couldn't wake up forever? What if the anesthesia was too weak I woke up in the middle of the surgery? As of those questions were not enough, the surgeon told me this, "It is a rare chance, maybe 1 out of a hundred, but the nerve might get affected that you won't be able to taste or to feel heat in your mouth and on your lips anymore." OMG... Thinking for the worst (yes, I'm a pessimist) I decided to stop all my purchase plan (HYDE, Laruku, and w-inds. DVDs, VAMPS concert ticket) until the surgery was finished.

The day before the surgery, I was too stressed out that I couldn't do anything. I couldn't concentrate on driving and working, and I couldn't eat. I was glad that Ms. J tried to entertain me and make me laugh. After that I was back to normal, and I could work and drive properly again. Thanks Ms. J :) And then at home, I tried to distract my mind by watching TV shows online, and I also got comforted by my family and friends. I'm so grateful for all your care! :D

On the day of the surgery, I would lie if I said I didn't get stressed out again. Especially when I was already in the hospital, waiting for my turn. I actually brought a lot of stuff with me so that I could calm myself, but it didn't work. I just couldn't concentrate on anything. While waiting, there was this guy whose girlfriend was getting the surgery too. The nurse called out to him, saying that the surgery was done. And then he was like, "Oh yeah? Is she out of it? Great, I'm so gonna take pictures of her and take some videos. She didn't want me to do that but I brought a camera anyway." What a jerk... And so I turned to my boyfriend, "If you do that to me, you'll be sorry!" Hahahahaha....

And then my name was called. "Oh dear, the time has come!" I thought. I followed the nurse to the surgery room. Wait, it didn't look like the surgery room showed those movies and TV shows, it looked like a normal dentist room. Then the nurse asked if I followed their instructions (not eating and drinking 8 hours before) and if I had understood the risks that could happen. I said yes and signed a paper that basically said I understood the risks and would not be able to sue the surgeon if anything went wrong. Then the nurse stuck two cables on my chest, one on my stomach, and another one on my left forefinger. The monitor started displaying my heartbeat. I thought, "Oh my gosh, this is a real surgery!!!" and I got even more scared. The monitor showed that my heartbeat went faster and faster. Hahaha...

Then the surgeon came in and saw my heartbeat on the monitor. "Are you okay?" he said. "Yes, I'm just a little scared." He answered again, "That's normal. Now, let's get started." He went on to put the IV drip on my right arm. It stung a bit, but I didn't care as long as I would be safe. He said, "Ok, this is the last hard part." I saw him bringing a injection needle and I knew right away it must be the anesthesia. I asked him nervously, "Is it gonna hurt?" "No, I'm just gonna put it on the IV cable." I saw him injecting it into the IV cable, and put the injection needle back on the table beside him. I thought to myself, "Wait a minute, he's done putting the anesthesia on me. How come I am still awake!?"

That's the last thing I could remember. Apparently as soon as I said that on my mind, I was out right away xD The next thing I knew, I was awake. I didn't know if they woke me up or not, I just knew that I was awake. But maybe I was still under the anesthetic influence, I couldn't walk or stand properly. They put me on a wheelchair and brought me to my boyfriend. After that everything became blurry, I'm not sure which one is the reality and which one is just a dream. There was a conversation going on between the nurse and me (maybe, maybe not, since I was half awake). I decided to text message my mom and Ms. J to let them know that everything was fine. But then again, I couldn't remember what I typed at all.

When I got home, I regained 100% my consciousness. The local anesthesia also went away, and now I felt pain all over in my mouth, on my jaws, and on my teeth. It hurt if I open my mouth so it became a little hard to eat and speak. Even so, at least I'm still alive :D And all those worries never happened, I can still taste and feel the heat. The only thing left is to recover slowly. Once more, I'd like to thank everyone for the support!

P.S. Yes, my face is swollen. My face is totally round now, like a soccer ball xD

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


It's been announced!

  • July 11th - Fillmore at Irving Plaza (New York, NY)

  • July 12th - Warped Tour (Hartford, CT)

  • July 14th - Warped Tour (Columbia, MD)

  • July 16th - Sonar (Baltimore, MD)

  • July 19th - Showbox at The Market (Seattle, WA)

  • July 20th - Hawthorne Theatre (Portland, OR)

  • July 25th - Grand Ballroom at the Regency Center (San Francisco, CA)

  • July 27th - Wasted Space at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, NV)

  • July 29th - Soma (San Diego, CA)

  • August 1st - Wiltern Theater (Los Angeles, CA)

Please read their official MySpace for more info.

** All of them are way too far away from me. Hmmm... Which one should I pick? Anyone wants to go with me?