Saturday, July 26, 2008

Don't let your mind wander around!

A lot of things have been going on and I kinda get thrown into a big mess. My mind must have been wandering too much and thinking so deeply that I did not even realize what I was doing.

Guess what? I was taking shower and I took some Dove body shower for extra dry skin, in other words it is extra oily. And then I applied it to my hair as SHAMPOO. Oh yeah... And I just kept washing my hair until I finally realized a moment later that my hair became kind of oily. Oh my gosh!!! x|

The bottom line is: always keep your mind intact in everything you do xD


  1. hahaha... kebalikan dong, aku pernah mandi pake shampo!!

  2. wah baru kmrn gw ngeshampooin badan..
    sama dunk pei.. puyeng puyeng

  3. Tetep huahahahaha
    TApi masih untung lu kagak nyampooin pala pake odol khan?
