As for me, I have an account in several different social networking sites as well. There are two that I use quite often and the rest are rarely used at all. For security reasons, I decided to close down all that I rarely use anymore, and MySpace is one of them.
Just a few days after I closed my MySpace account, I found out that MONORAL had an account there. I kind of regretted deleting my account, but that was too late already, so I thought 'Whatever...' A few days after that, VAMPS, a band that was just started by HYDE and K.A.Z. (yes, by my lovely HYDE!!!), also opened an account in MySpace. That sort of motivated me to reopen my account, although the actual action never happened.
And then something happened on the next few days. L'Arc~en~Ciel opened an official MySpace account. DOH, I so totally went to MySpace and opened an account right away without thinking of anything anymore. LOL. Although I know those pages must have been maintained by the staff, not them personally, I just like the idea of being "connected" to them, although it's just through a social networking site and no more. I must be insane for doing all of these... ^-^;;
Anyway, check Laruku's MySpace out. The layout is so COOL. I want a nice layout like that too...
VAMPS' MySpace, reminds me of... McDonald's??? xD (Edit: The red and yellow layout has been changed now).